Through a collaboration led by the Dean of Students Office (DOSO), the College of Education Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations Division, and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Wayne State has launched the Warrior Chat program, a free peer counseling program to all currently enrolled students. Graduate students in Counselor Education and School and Community Psychology will serve as the peer counselors.
“Warrior Chat is another example of the kind, caring and compassionate environment that the Wayne State community is working together to create for our students,” said Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Keith Whitfield. “We want every student to know that they belong on this campus, and that there’s a strong network of people prepared to help them succeed.”
Warrior Chat peer counseling sessions are designed to provide an open and inviting environment for students to seek help and support from fellow students. Peer counselors will be available at the study tables on the third floor of the Student Center, directly across the hall from the Dean of Students Office (Room 301), beginning Monday, Feb. 10. A schedule of Warrior Chat times is available online. No appointment is necessary and Warrior Chat is offered every afternoon and evening, except for Saturday.
Common Warrior Chat topics include, but are not limited to, living situations, roommate problems, adjusting to life at WSU, academic stress, career goals, changes in relationships, a loss of interest in activities, homesickness, student basic need support services, family stress, and issues related to culture and/or identity.
“Wayne State Warriors care about each other. They want their fellow students to succeed. And we know that student wellness and well-being is crucial to student success,” said Dean of Students David Strauss. “We all need someone to talk to from time to time, and the Warrior Chat program, through the skilled work of the College of Education, will provide our students this important resource.”
Warrior Chat is the latest in a suite of programs and resources housed under DOSO’s Warrior Life and Wellness program, a campus wide collaborative effort focusing on students’ lives as Warriors —connecting them to success at Wayne State through involvement, engagement, spirit, pride, wellness, and well-being.
"Our colleagues with DOSO and CAPS provide excellent supports here at Wayne State, and we are proud to partner with them in this new Warrior Chat initiative," said Cheryl Somers, Assistant Dean of the division of Theoretical and Behavioral Foundations in the College of Education. "Our peer counselors choose our master's degree programs due to their deep desire to learn how to support others. They are thrilled to be helping enhance our students' success and well-being."
As always, members of the Wayne State community are encouraged to file a CARE Report if they are concerned about the well-being of a student or colleague.