October 15, 2019

Celebrate ‘World Quality Day’ with the Office of Planning, Assessment and Innovation

Fuel innovation

Join the Office of Planning, Assessment and Innovation (PAI) in celebrating ‘World Quality Day’ at an open house on Nov. 14 — part of the office’s strategic charge to infuse continuous quality improvement (CQI) into the culture of the Finance and Business Operations (FBO) division and the university at large.

The event will be held in the Academic Administrative Building Atrium from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All Wayne State University faculty, students and staff are invited to attend the free celebration, which will include a CQI scavenger hunt, the introduction of PAI’s new online visual CQI Success Dashboard, snacks, prizes, success stories, networking and the launch of the new CQI Connection Community of Practice.

“Beyond the introductory online course that is currently available to staff, the CQI Connection is the next level of CQI learning and empowerment for staff members at all levels,” said Tonya Thomas, senior business systems analyst with the Business Technology Solutions team within PAI.

PAI at Wayne State contributes to the student experience through the professional practices of data reporting/analytics, process improvement and project management. PAI helps numerous teams across campus improve their processes by measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of business practices. In addition, the office helps identify and eliminate wasteful behaviors, supports efforts toward cost saving and resource stewardship, and finds efficient ways to manage processes within the university’s internal system.

“The FBO vision to become ‘THE Model of Service Excellence’ is so motivating,” said PAI Assistant Vice President Allison Martin. “Our division is striving to map our path from our vision to reality, and to create a culture where all staff take joint ownership for improving our work processes.”

The work of PAI is significant because its efforts directly correlate in providing the highest level of value and service to Wayne State staff and students, Martin said.

The department has made huge strides in elevating its presence this year, implementing an FBO-wide newsletter in the spring and making significant updates to its website to keep those interested in CQI efforts updated on this important work.

For more information about the upcoming CQI World Quality Day celebration on Nov. 14 — and all things CQI — please contact Planning, Assessment and Innovation at 313-577-9021 or fbo-pai@wayne.edu.

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