March 22, 2018

Dawn Medley, Patrick Lindsey join Mildred Gaddis to discuss how Wayne State makes college more affordable

Wayne State University Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management Dawn Medley and Vice President of Government and Community Affairs Patrick O. Lindsey sat down this week with radio host Mildred Gaddis to address the increasing costs of higher education and to highlight some of the university’s initiatives aimed at making college more affordable. ​

Lindsey spoke passionately about the importance of a college degree and how proponents of higher education are working diligently to boost school funding and keep costs down.

Meanwhile, Medley illustrated how programs such as Detroit Promise and Wayne Access enable students to not just meet rising tuition costs, but to also avoid other costly out-of-pocket expenses.

Watch a portion of the interview here.

Listen to a portion of the interview here.

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