May 30, 2017

Peter and Karen Frade commit $1.25 million for health science students at Wayne State

Wayne State University alumni and faculty members Peter and Karen Frade have pledged a planned gift of nearly $1.25 million to support students in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (EACPHS).

The gift will strengthen the Karen L. and Peter D. Frade Endowed Scholarship, established in 2012 to support students in Wayne State’s pathologists’ assistant program. The program prepares graduates for careers in surgical and autopsy pathology. The first recipient of the enhanced Frade Endowed Scholarship was honored at the college’s scholarship luncheon on May 17.

“The students in the pathologists’ assistant program have been a delight to teach and to know, and we are excited to invest in their futures,” Peter Frade said. “Karen and I believe that you blossom where you are planted. We were planted and blossomed in Detroit and at Wayne State University, so it was important that we give back to the place we consider home.”

Each of the Frades holds three degrees from Wayne State. Professor Peter Frade ’68 B.S., ’71 M.S., ’78 Ph.D. joined the university’s faculty in 1992. He currently serves as the interim associate dean of health sciences and chair of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences.

Karen Frade ’92 B.A., ’96 B.S.N., ’01 M.Ed. is a part time faculty member at Wayne State and worked as a nurse and research coordinator at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit for many years. The couple met while working at Henry Ford, and their mutual ties to Wayne State helped bring them together.

“Peter and I feel a very deep love and attachment to the Wayne State community. The university is where we grew up, were educated and given opportunities to thrive,” Karen Frade said. “We live in Detroit and believe that Wayne State holds the key to an amazing future for the city and for the students it serves.”

The Frades’ planned gift represents a significant portion of their estate and illustrates their dedication to EACPHS.

“For years, Peter and Karen Frade have demonstrated a passion for inspiring our students and preparing them to make an impact,” said EACPHS Dean Deepak Bhalla. “We are grateful for their generosity, which will strengthen our academic programs and create opportunities for generations of students.”

The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences seeks to advance the health and well-being of society through groundbreaking research and leading educational programs. The college equips graduates to thrive in a modern, integrated health care environment by offering more than 25 degrees and certificates through 11 academic programs in fundamental and applied sciences, health care sciences, pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences.

Alumni and friends of EACPHS may contribute to the college by contacting Denise Thomas, Director of Philanthropy and Alumni Affairs, at 313-577-1095 or


Brian Escamilla
Phone: 313-577-8389

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