January 5, 2017

Media Advisory: Swearing-in ceremonies to be held Jan. 24 for recently elected Wayne State University Board of Governors members

Swearing-in ceremonies and a reception will be held Tuesday, Jan. 24, for newly elected Board of Governors members Michael J. Busuito and Mark Gaffney.

Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017
5 p.m. - Swearing-in ceremony; reception follows

Wayne State University’s McGregor Memorial Conference Center, 495 Gilmour Mall, Detroit.

Newcomers Busuito and Gaffney, Republican and Democrat, respectively, were elected to eight-year terms on Wayne State’s Board of Governors.

Busuito, of Somerset Plastic Surgery, is board certified in general surgery, plastic surgery and hand surgery. After earning his bachelor’s from the University of Michigan, Busuito completed graduate studies in biochemistry and physiology at Wayne State University before earning his M.D. in 1981 from WSU’s School of Medicine. His post-graduate studies included residencies in general surgery and plastic surgery, and he was named chief administrative resident for both. He is the founder and president of Operation KINDNESS (Kids in Need Deserve Necessary and Essential Surgical Services), a charitable organization that provides care such as cleft lip and palate surgery for children in severely impoverished areas.

Gaffney has more than 30 years of experience in the Michigan labor movement, including 12 years as president of the Michigan American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations— the state federation of labor, representing more than 1 million active and retired members of 59 unions throughout the state. Gaffney has been an adjunct professor since 2012 in Wayne State University’s Labor@Wayne. He teaches a course titled Economics at Work at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Gaffney earned both his bachelor’s in philosophy and a master’s in labor relations from Michigan State University.


Shawn Wright
Phone: 586-255-6329
Email: shawn.wright@wayne.edu

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