The President’s Commission on the Status of Women (COSW), in partnership with the Dean of Students Office, is hosting exhibits throughout the month of October in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The group hopes to start conversations about domestic violence and the impact it has on individuals of all ages, races, ethnicities, economic backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, religions and nationalities.
The following events are scheduled on Wayne State’s campus in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month:
- The Clothesline Project is a visual display honoring the survivors and remembering the victims of domestic violence. Decorated shirts are displayed in the David Adamany Undergraduate Library to raise awareness about violence against women and help heal survivors and those who have lost loved ones.
- As part of the Silent Witness Project, life-size red silhouettes representing men, women and children murdered in acts of domestic violence in the state of Michigan will be displayed in various locations on campus. The project honors those who lost their lives to domestic violence while connecting people with available resources and demonstrating the effectiveness of intervention programs.
WSU offers a variety of resources on campus year-round through Student Support Services, including free confidential emotional and psychological support from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Additionally, a Student CARE Report can be filed with the Dean of Students Office by anyone on campus who is concerned about the welfare of a student.
If you have experienced physical or sexual violence, reporting it to the university will allow WSU to address the incident under the Title IX policy and Student Code of Conduct. Doing so also allows WSU to provide protective measures, including academic and scheduling accommodations or changes to housing. Any incidents can be reported by phone to the Wayne State University Police at 313-577-2222, the Dean of Students Office at 313-577-1010 or Linda M. Galante, WSU’s interim Title IX Coordinator, at 313-577-2268.