The special education program in the Wayne State University College of Education’s Division of Teacher Education will host a symposium exploring how students’ sense of school belonging increases socioemotional well-being and preparedness for academic growth. Specifically, the symposium will examine this notion in the context of urban schools.
A panel of researchers will address the questions of who belongs in school, how belonging can be created for diverse students and why belonging can address educational inequity. The event will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, April 14, in the Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium, located on Wayne State’s main campus at 471 W. Palmer.
Panelists will include international scholars Missy Morton and Annie Guerin of the University of Canterbury and Mere Berryman of the University Waikato; both colleges are located in New Zealand. Morton and Guerin will present on the use of assessment as a way to build school belonging for students with disabilities and Berryman will share research on equity and belonging for Máori secondary students. Wayne State University College of Education faculty members Christina DeNicolo, Min Yu and Chris Crowley will share their research about school belonging for urban immigrant and refugee students.
Wayne State College of Education professor Susan Gabel will conclude the symposium with remarks about the implications of this research for urban educational practice and policy.
“This forum is an excellent opportunity for parents, educators, WSU faculty and students, and community members to provide information about urban education and the areas of school belonging for students with disabilities,” Gabel said.
The symposium is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Michele Kaseta at 313 577-5241 or