Want to earn course credit while recreating the Beatles’ iconic “Abbey Road” album cover or learn Italian while living in a 13th century Benedictine monastery? You can do all of that and more through Study Abroad, and the Wayne State Insiders will show you how.
Join Ahmad Ezzeddine, associate vice president for Educational Outreach and International Programs, at noon on Thursday, Nov. 19, in the Italian Room of General Lectures to learn more about Wayne State’s global agenda and the impact of international study.
Learn about the exciting expansion of international programs at WSU and how faculty, staff and students can participate in Study Abroad.
Hear from M.L. Liebler, senior lecturer in English, who created the “Magical Mystery Tour through Pop Culture in London and Liverpool” and Associate Professor Tim Butler of the Mike Ilitch School of Business, who created a Study Abroad program in Czech Republic and Poland.
The Office of International Programs will supply refreshments from a sampling of the countries where WSU has Study Abroad programs.
RSVP for this special edition of Insiders, which is sponsored by the Office of International Programs as part of International Education Week 2015.
The Wayne State Insiders group includes alumni, friends, students, parents, faculty and staff who serve as informal ambassadors for Wayne State and the Midtown community. Since the group’s inception in 2012, thousands have attended events and toured sites on campus.