May 4, 2015

Ditch old electronics responsibly during Wayne State's E-waste Day collection

Are old cellphones, computer monitors or fax machines taking up space in your closet or basement? Are you looking to do some spring cleaning and rid your home or office of these antiquated items?

On Thursday, May 14, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., you'll have a chance to responsibly dispose of your junk during Wayne State University's annual E-waste Day collection in Parking Lot 11, located north of Palmer on Cass Avenue between Antoinette and York. 

Students, faculty, staff and the general public are invited to participate in this free event. Personal items are welcome except for refrigeration units, major appliances, or any item containing oil or Freon. All data-holding or related equipment will be shredded.

The WSU Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) and the Purchasing Department will have trucks on hand to collect the e-waste. Volunteers will be available to assist drivers in unloading items. 

Departments with large volumes of e-waste should contact their building coordinator to schedule removal and transfer to Lot 11 prior to the event. 

"Since we began this program, WSU has shipped more than 1.5 million pounds of e-waste out for recycling," said Walter Pociask, associate director of OEHS and hazardous materials manager. "That amount means we have filled approximately 40 full semitrailers, all responsibly recycled."

Visit the WSU events calendar for more information and a list of acceptable items or call 313-993-7655. 

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