Criminal Justice Job and Career Fair.
Learn about career opportunities with the FBI, DEA, Department of Corrections, U.S. Probation, and other agencies and private companies.
10 a.m.-2 p.m., Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Student Center Building, ballroom, 5221 Gullen Mall, Wayne State University, Detroit.
Parking is available in parking structures #2 and #5 located on Anthony Wayne Drive between Warren and Kirby. There is a $7 entry fee for the parking structures, which can only be paid via credit card.
The event is open to current college students and graduates interested in exploring career opportunities.
The focus of the fair is federal, state, and local police, probation, corrections agencies, juvenile justice, counseling agencies and private companies.
For more information, call 313-577-2705, ab1493@wayne.edu, or visit: clas.wayne.edu/CRJ/CRJCareerFair
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