Once thought only to be a problem overseas, human trafficking -- which includes sex and labor trafficking -- is on the rise in the United States. But what can be done to prevent and eliminate this form of modern-day slavery that exists locally and globally?
The Outreach Committee of the President's Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) at Wayne State University will address this issue during a Human Trafficking Forum from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, in the Student Center Building Ballroom, 5221 Gullen Mall.
The event, being held in collaboration with WSU student organization Not For Sale, Soroptimist International of Grosse Pointe and Heavenly Hope International, is free and open to the public.
"We will engage in an important conversation that will raise awareness about human trafficking -- in particular, sex trafficking, action being taken to end it in our state, and how we can advocate against it," said Robin Collins, COSW Outreach Committee chair.
Panelists will include Michigan Assistant Attorney General Kelly Carter, State of Michigan; Blanche Cook, Wayne State University Law School; David Manville, Eastern Michigan University; and Deena Policicchio, Alternatives for Girls.
Topics up for discussion range from trafficking legislation and technology to perpetrators' perspectives. Attendees also will have a chance to hear a survivor's story and learn about resources available.
Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Sara Byczek at aw4681@wayne.edu or 313-577-8564.
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