With the end of daylight saving time, we’ve started our days this week with a little more light, but less sunlight in the afternoon. Although leaving work when it’s getting dark out may be depressing, experts say it’s easier to adjust to this time change than the one in March because we gain an hour of sleep.
However, experts also say that if you find your afternoon mood sagging, try and take advantage of the extra sunlight in the morning — which can give you a boost to start the day — and make an effort to get outside on your lunch break.
This month’s Today@Wayne poll asked how people felt about the end of daylight saving time. Here’s what Wayne State employees had to say:
- 54% Daylight saving time is not worth the hassle
- 37% Let’s keep the tradition
- 9% Don’t really care since they’re not affected
Be on the look out for a new poll in December.