Wayne State University is undertaking the Hilberry Gateway Project to create a new home for the Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance. The $48.6 million initiative will enhance and expand the current Hilberry Theatre to reflect the caliber of its students' talent and expertise.
The project will launch as a three-phase construction effort. Phase one is the construction of a new 500-seat main theatre next on the corner of Cass and Forest adjacent to the current venue. Phase two is the construction of adjoining scenic design and costume studios, as well as scenery storage areas.
Phase three will reconstruct the current theatre into a 200-seat flexible performance theatre. As part of the project, the historic David Mackenzie House, currently located next to the Hilberry, will be relocated to Forest Avenue.
The Hilberry Theatre opened in 1963 as the nation’s first graduate repertory company. It was originally built as a church in 1917 and was later renovated to function as a theatre. Since its founding, over 2 million patrons have attended shows there.
There are many ways to get involved in the Hilberry Gateway Project. Contact Laura Orme at 313-577-5336 to learn more.