January 28, 2014

Fulbright Scholar Awards available Feb. 1

Interested in applying for a Fulbright faculty award but unsure of how to proceed? Expert Jaclyn Assarian, associate director of the Office of International Programs,

Interested in applying for a Fulbright faculty award but unsure of how to proceed? Expert Jaclyn Assarian, associate director of the Office of International Programs, can help.

The Fulbright Program, world-renowned awarder of competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange, holds tremendous cachet in academic circles, but the opportunities often fall below the radar.

Many faculty members, Assarian said, are unaware of the breadth and variety of available scholar grants, have misconceptions about the selection process, or simply find the program – which encompasses grants for scholars, students, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists – difficult to navigate.

“Most people hear ‘Fulbright’ and think of the more traditional experience, where one goes overseas to teach and do research for anywhere from three to 10 months,” Assarian said. “But faculty members can also serve as expert consultants to foreign universities that need their expertise in matters pertaining to curriculum, faculty development or institutional planning. These assignments may last only two to six weeks and can be enormously enriching.”

The 2015-16 Fulbright Scholar Program opens Feb. 1. Contact Jaclyn Assarian at 313-577-9319 or jassarian@wayne.edu for more information. Read WSU faculty stories to learn about their enriching experiences abroad. 

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