DETROIT -- Japanese Judge Naoki Takaishi will present a free seminar Wednesday, Nov. 13, comparing American and Japanese criminal procedure, one of several events planned at Wayne State University to celebrate International Education Week.
The seminar will take place from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in the third-floor faculty lounge at Wayne State University Law School, 471 W. Palmer St. Lunch will be provided. To RSVP, email
Parking will be available for $6.50 in Structure 1 across West Palmer Street from the law school.
"The Japanese criminal procedure is a blending of continental European and Anglo-American," said Takaishi, who serves on the bench of the Tokyo District Court of Japan. "I have worked for nine years as a judge in Japan and have been observing criminal courts in the Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan since September. I noticed many interesting differences between the procedures of the United States and Japan."
Takaishi is here as part of a special arrangement by Wayne Law, the Third Circuit Court and the Supreme Court of Japan. The arrangement, which began in 2007, provides for a judge from the Japanese judicial system to visit Michigan to research and study the American judicial system, with a special emphasis on Michigan trial courts.