Think you're not racist? Think again. Unintentional racial bias will be the topic of the 16th annual Seymour Riklin Memorial Lecture, to be held at 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, 2013 on Wayne State University's main campus.
Tamar Gendler, the Vincent J. Scully Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science and Deputy Provost for Humanities and Initiatives at Yale University, will examine the unacknowledged evaluations our brains make about people from other racial backgrounds. She will discuss the costs of these assessments, which happen almost automatically and often conflict with what one consciously believes.
"The annual Riklin lecture allows us to present a philosophically rigorous talk that's accessible to a broad audience on topics of general interest," said John Corvino, professor and chair of Wayne State's philosophy department. "Professor Gendler's research on racial assumptions is important and timely."
The free event, which is open to the public, will take place in the Bernath Auditorium, located inside Wayne State's Undergraduate Library.