As leaders from the private sector, new non-profit organizations and government work to develop inventive ways to shepherd Detroit through a historic transformation, WSU’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning is offering students an educational experience unlike any other.
Department Chair Robin Boyle commented on the exceptional opportunity students enrolled in the program have.
“There is a unique opportunity for students to learn firsthand in one of the world’s most interesting and special urban environments,” said Boyle. “Aspiring urban planning professionals can come to WSU and get directly involved in groundbreaking projects that are critical to Detroit’s historic transformation.”
Boyle went on to detail specific areas of focus students have a chance to pursue because of WSU’s urban setting and involvement in Detroit’s economic and community development.
“All of this new public and private investment in Detroit will need to be managed by professionals with a background in urban studies,” commented Boyle. “Food planning, housing and community development, metropolitan growth management, and urban economic development are all critical components of Detroit’s resurgence, and our students can learn those skills in a real-world classroom.”