A Friday, Sept. 6, celebration drew 56 attendees and raised nearly $13,000 for the endowed scholarship fund the late James K. Robinson created to help students at Wayne State University Law School.
Robinson, a 1968 graduate of Wayne Law who served as the law school's seventh dean, died in 2010 at age 66. During his acclaimed legal life, Robinson also served as chairman of the Litigation Department at Honigman Miller and as assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Delphi Deputy General Counsel Joe Papelian and his wife, Linda, hosted the event at their Bloomfield Hills home. Other hosts of the event included Robinson's wife, Marti, an attorney and a member of the Consumer Product Safety Commission; Wayne Law Dean Jocelyn Benson; Tom Cranmer of Miller Canfield and his wife, Maria; Bill Hochkammer of Honigman Miller; Thomas Kienbaum of Kienbaum Opperwall Hardy and Pelton, Wayne Law class of 1968; Richard Rossman, former U.S. attorney in Detroit; and Bill Winsten of Honigman Miller, Wayne Law class of 1979.
(Above) Attorney Marti Robinson welcomes guests to the Friday, Sept. 6, scholarship event celebrating the life of her late husband, former Wayne Law Dean James K. Robinson, who died in 2010.
(Above) Bill Winsten of Honigman Miller chats with Wayne Law Dean Jocelyn Benson. Winsten, a 1979 alumnus of Wayne Law, served as one of the hosts of the event that raised money for the James K. Robinson Scholarship Fund.
(Above) Among those attending the event that honored the late James K. Robinson were, from left, Debbie Dingell, chair of the Wayne State University Board of Governors; Wayne Law alumnus Bill Winsten; Wayne Law student Becky Loyer of Wyandotte, the most recent recipient of the James K. Robinson Scholarship; Marti Robinson, wife of James K. Robinson; Wayne Law student Nicholas Tloczynski of Muskegon, who previously received a Robinson scholarship; Linda and Joe Papelian, who hosted the event at their home; and Wayne Law Dean Jocelyn Benson.