March 27, 2013

Wayne State's College of Nursing to host Research Day April 3

Jean McSweeney, Ph.D., R.N., FAHA, FAAN, professor and associate dean for research at the College of Public Health of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, will deliver the keynote address at the Wayne State University College of Nursing’s annual Research Day on April 3.

McSweeney is a leader in clinical research on women and coronary heart disease (CHD) and symptoms of myocardial infarction (MI). Because of her work, women no longer are seen as carbon copies of men for cardiac risks and heart attack symptoms. McSweeney is known for developing an assessment tool to identify women at risk for CHD; examining black, white and Hispanic women’s CHD symptoms; and pinpointing women’s early warning symptoms of acute MIs.

She will speak on “Developing a Predictive Model for Early Recognition of Coronary Heart Disease in Women.”

The program includes a presentation of annual research awards given by Lambda Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, and a poster reception highlighting the research of faculty, clinical partners and graduate students. Cash awards will be given to the best abstract/poster in the following categories: Faculty, WSU College of Nursing Student and Clinical Partner.

The day is complimentary, and light refreshments will be served during the poster session.

At this year’s Research Day, the College of Nursing also will recognize its Alumna of the Year, Martha “Beth” Horsburgh, who received her Ph.D. from Wayne State in 1994. Horsburgh is associate vice president for research at the University of Saskatchewan and vice president for research and innovation for the Saskatoon Health Region.

For more information about Research Day, contact Ciara Lee in the College of Nursing’s Office of Health Research, 313-577-4135 or

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