Thousands of students and parents across the country will make their way to colleges and universities for campus tours this summer. Daniel Winston, Wayne State University assistant director for campus tours, says preparation is the key to maximizing the experience.
“Parents and students should definitely do their research before the tour,” Winston says. “The best thing they can do is ask questions. The guides are there as a resource. Don’t be afraid to be inquisitive or voice your concerns.”
Wayne State recommends adding the following items to your to-do list prior to the tour:
• If you live out of state or in another country, find out if the college or university offers a virtual tour. A virtual tour allows you to preview areas on campus that interest you before the actual on-site visit. During your on-campus tour, you can ask the guide about specific locations. Wayne State University offers a virtual tour of its 188-acre campus at
• Be prepared. On an index card, write down any questions, concerns or comments that come up as you do your research. Ask those questions during your tour.
• Contact the department, school or college in advance to schedule a one-on-one meeting with an advisor or other representative after your tour.
Wayne State University offers one-hour walking tours of campus at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays. For more information or to schedule a tour, visit
Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 31,000 students.