April 22, 2012

Reuters, Yahoo report: WSU's Dr. Derek Wildman completes genome sequence of great ape living with humans

A Wayne State University School of Medicine researcher is one step closer to understanding the genetic basis that enable bonobos to learn language, play music and use rudimentary tools. Derek Wildman, Ph.D., led a team that isolated the DNA and sequenced the genome, or whole inherited genetic make-up, of Kanzi, a bonobo based at the Bonobo Hope Great Ape Trust Sanctuary in Des Moines, Iowa. The sequencing, only the second of its kind, was performed at both WSU and an off-site private company. Wildman is associate professor of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, and of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is the director of the Molecular Evolution Group at WSU's Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics.


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