November 30, 2011

Wayne Law's Professor Calkins appointed to key international post

\"\"DETROIT (Nov. 30, 2011) - Wayne State University Law School congratulates Professor Stephen Calkins on his appointment as a member of the Competition Authority of Ireland and head of its Mergers Division. The Competition Authority, Ireland's chief trade regulation agency, applies Irish and European law to challenge anticompetitive cartels, mergers and abuses of dominance, and is led by a chairperson and three members. During 2012, the Competition Authority will merge with Ireland's National Consumer Agency, and Professor Calkins will have responsibility for both competition and consumer protection regulation.

"We are delighted to learn of this prestigious appointment for Professor Calkins," said Wayne Law Dean Robert M. Ackerman. "With his tremendous breadth of knowledge of antitrust and trade regulation, and consumer law, along with his previous experience in the U.S. government, I know he will lead the agency with skill and expertise."

Calkins was general counsel of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission from 1995-97. This new appointment makes him one of very few faculty members to have held high-ranking positions in two countries' administrations.

Since January 2008, Professor Calkins has served Wayne State University as associate vice president for academic personnel and has retained his position in the Law School, teaching on a limited basis. To accept this appointment, Calkins is taking a leave of absence from Wayne State.  When his service with Ireland's Competition Authority ends, Calkins expects to return to Wayne Law to share what he has learned with students and colleagues.

At the Law School, Calkins has regularly taught courses and seminars on antitrust and trade regulation, consumer law and torts. He also has taught at the University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania and Utrecht University (The Netherlands), and served as Wayne Law's interim dean. Professor Calkins has lectured widely throughout the U.S. and abroad, and works with a variety of domestic and foreign government officials. He has written and co-written many publications on competition and consumer law and policy and related subjects, including the fourth edition of Antitrust Law:  Policy And Practice, and the fifth edition of Antitrust Law and Economics in a Nutshell. He co-edited Consumer Protection Law Developments and is a journal editor.

Calkins is a member of the American Law Institute, a fellow of the American Bar Foundation, and a senior fellow of the American Antitrust Institute. He has served three three-year terms on the Council of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Antitrust Law and is a former member of the Council of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice. He is also a former chair of the Association of American Law Schools' Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation. He received a B.A. from Yale University and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. 

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Ann Marie
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