August 24, 2011

Wayne State University experts available to discuss Sept. 11-related topics

A wide range of university experts is available to discuss topics related to the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. Please contact Wayne State University Public Relations to arrange an interview.

Bengt Arnetz, M.D., professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine - Arnetz is available to speak about stress and its long-term effects on the body, particularly the tremendous stress experienced by police, firefighters and other Sept. 11 first responders.

Michael Harbut, M.D., chief of the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the WSU School of Medicine - Harbut can discuss the airborne carcinogens at Ground Zero and the possible long-term effects on first responders.

Saeed Khan, professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Khan is available to discuss Muslim identity and culture, the impact Sept. 11 has had on the Muslim community and cross-cultural dynamics.

Mark Lumley, Ph.D, professor of psychology, head of Wayne State's Stress and Health Laboratory - Lumley is available to discuss emotions and stress and their effects on physical health.

Georgia Michalopoulou, Ph.D., assistant professor of the Wayne State University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences - Michalopoulou, an expert in early child development, can offer insight on how to discuss tragic events such as Sept. 11 with children.

Frederic Pearson, professor of political science, director of Wayne State's Center for Peace and Conflict Studies
- Pearson is an expert on terrorism and international relations.

Bob Rossana, professor of economics - Rosanna can offer a 10-year retrospective of the economic fallout from Sept. 11.

Brad Roth, Ph.D., professor of political science and law, Wayne State University Law School - Roth is available to discuss international law issues.

Robert Sedler, professor of law - Sedler, a constitutional law expert, can discuss legal issues relating to Sept. 11, particularly regarding civil liberties and the war on terrorism.

Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution of higher education offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 32,000 students.


Jessica Archer
Phone: (313) 577-0833

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