The Wayne State University School of Business Administration Alumni Association will host its fifth annual golf outing on July 25. The event, called Swing for the Students, will help grow an endowed scholarship fund for Detroit high school graduates who pursue higher education at Wayne State's business school.
The alumni association, with the help of sponsors and participants in the golf event, has raised $180,000 in just four years to fund the program.
DeShon Coves, a junior management student at WSU's School of Business Administration, said receiving the scholarship has had a great impact on his life.
"My biggest fear is graduating from college with too much debt. I even considered not attending college because of that," said Coves.
"I never thought that someone would be generous enough to help me continue my education. This scholarship allows me to focus more on achieving higher grades."
Lopa Patel, a recent graduate of the School of Business Administration who studied finance, received the scholarship in 2010 and said it "helped her out tremendously."
"With the increase in tuition and everything else, it is often difficult to find a way to pay for school," Patel said.
"The scholarship served as a motivation to do better. Knowing that I can be rewarded for my academic success pushed me even further, because I wanted and needed that extra financial support."
Matthew Simoncini, CFO of Lear Corporation, is one of a group of dedicated alumni who actively contribute to the golf outing's success. He obtained the event's title sponsorship from Lear and recruited additional corporate sponsors.
"This event is the perfect combination of business networking, communication, fundraising and fun," Simoncini said. "I am very proud of my WSU roots, and I believe the university is one of Detroit's jewels. Its mission of providing a world-class education to those who may not otherwise have that opportunity needs to be supported."
"Swing for the Students helps us get this message out to a broad group of individuals while raising money for scholarships. I received support during my time as a student, and I feel a real obligation to do my part in helping to support today's students."
This year's outing is Monday, July 25, at the Detroit Golf Club, 17911 Hamilton. The fee of $250 per player, or $1,000 for a foursome, includes golf, meals and prizes. Advance registration is required. Register online at
Sponsorships are available for companies and individuals. Donations to the scholarship fund are also accepted. For more information, visit
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Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution of higher education offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 32,000 students.
The School of Business Administration at Wayne State University provides quality business education through degree programs accredited by AACSB International. Visit for additional information.