April 21, 2011

After 67 years, Ala lawmakers apologize to woman

Associated Press, Newsday, Sydney Morning Herald Numerous media outlets reported that the Alabama Legislature has officially apologized to an elderly black woman who was raped nearly seven decades ago by a gang of white men as she walked home from church. The Senate gave final approval Thursday on a voice vote to a resolution that expresses \"deepest sympathy and deepest regrets\" to Recy Taylor, now 91 and living in Florida. She told the Associated Press last year that she believes the men who attacked her in 1944 are dead but that she still wanted an apology from the state of Alabama. Taylor\'s story, along with those of other black women attacked by white men during the civil rights era, is told in \"At the Dark End of the Street,\" a book by Danielle McGuire, professor at Wayne State University.


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