A panel of leaders from Michigan Israel Business Bridge (MIBB) will speak to students taking an e-commerce course at Wayne State University's School of Business Administration on Wednesday, March 30 from 6-8:30 p.m., and the public is invited to attend via the Web. Because the presentation will be streamed online, space is unlimited.
Presenters will emphasize issues of entrepreneurship in Michigan and Israel, and how MIBB promotes joint ventures in the two countries.
The speakers are Charles Newman, president of MIBB and founder of ReCellular, one of the world's largest cellphone refurbishing companies; Pamela Lippitt, executive director at MIBB; Helmi Kittani, director of CJAED, the Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development in Nazareth; and Jeff Ferguson, an entrepreneur and MBA student who is the first recipient of a new MIBB internship/scholarship program at WSU's business school.
MIBB is a nonprofit organization that facilitates business development and technical collaboration between Michigan- and Israel-based companies. The organization holds regular Michigan-Israel business exchanges and facilitates missions to Israel.
"This presentation is an opportunity to educate a young population about important technology coming out of Israel's high-tech sector," said Lippitt. It's also a chance to "show how this technology can continue to impact Michigan's economy, partners, jobs and connections with the two communities."
The event will take place during the Survey of E-Commerce class taught by Celia Romm Livermore, professor of information systems management.
To attend the webinar, which will be streamed using Wimba Classroom software, follow this link:
Click "Participant Login," then enter your name. No password is required.
Those who have not used Wimba on their personal computer are urged to log in a few minutes early to run the Wimba set-up wizard before the presentation begins.
For more information, email Livermore at ak1667@wayne.edu.
Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 32,000 students. The School of Business Administration at Wayne State University provides quality business education through degree programs accredited by AACSB International. Learn more at business.wayne.edu.
The Michigan Israel Business Bridge is a nonprofit, membership-based, 501(c)(6) "connector" organization dedicated to promoting business partnerships between Michigan and Israel. MIBB brings new business to Michigan by connecting Israeli businesses to its network in Michigan for the purpose of generating wealth, jobs and new opportunities. Israel has more than 3,000 companies centered on life sciences, homeland security, alternative energy, water technology and agro-technology, with more engineers and scientists per capita than any other country. MIBB was co-founded in 2007 by Charles Newman and Susan Herman, with the backing of successful businesspeople in Michigan. In just two years, more than 200 members have joined MIBB. For more information, visit michiganisrael.com.