January 20, 2011

Transcript: State of the State

The Free Press ran a transcript of Gov. Rick Snyder's State of the State address that he delivered last night. Wayne State is referenced twice noting the 15x15 project and the University Research Corridor, as follows: "I want to recognize an exciting new initiative to attract young people to Detroit by the Henry Ford Health System, the Detroit Medical Center and Wayne State University. They are spearheading the 15x15 project, a coordinated effort to bring 15,000 young educated people to live in Midtown Detroit by the year 2015. Working with the Midtown Association and local foundations, the program will provide incentives such as loans for new homeowners and assistance to new renters. We hope this model will inspire others across Michigan to rebuild their urban cores. I'm also pleased to announce that the University Research Corridor institutions, the University of Michigan, Wayne State University, and Michigan State University, are entering into a research partnership with Procter & Gamble company."


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