November 22, 2010

Wayne State offers STEM grads $30K to make a difference in Detroit

Wayne State University is encouraging college seniors, recent graduates and career changers from science, mathematics or engineering to become teachers in Detroit's neediest schools. Funded by a $16.7 million Kellogg Foundation grant and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Woodrow Wilson Michigan Teaching Fellowships will provide stipends of $30,000 to get certified in 14 months and then finish their MAT the following year while doing their first year of teaching. "Clinically-based programs like the Fellowship are key to improving the quality of teacher education as well as the academic performance of students in urban schools," said WSU Provost Ronald T. Brown. "This is a great opportunity both for the teachers who make this commitment and the children who will benefit from their hard work."

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