November 9, 2010

The Department of Music hosts renowned Croatian pianist Ivana Vidovic

Accomplished Croatian pianist Ivana Vidovic will be Artist-in-Residence at Wayne State University from November 12-17. During her visit, Ms. Vidovic will present a recital and a masterclass for Music students, which will include works by the most prominent female Croatian composer, Dora Pejacevic. Vidovic will perform Turina's hauntingly beautiful Rapsodia Sinfonica
as soloist with the University Orchestra under the direction of Prof. Kypros Markou. Additionally, Ms. Vidovic will perform as soloist with the Dearborn Symphony Orchestra at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center. Ms.Vidovic's residence is funded, in part, by a WSU Global Grant awarded to Prof. Markou. Additional funding has been provided by the WSU Department of Music and the Dearborn Symphony Orchestra.

A protégé of Alicia de Larrocha, Ms. Vidovic has performed in prestigious halls in Europe and South America and has recorded several CDs. She is also Artistic Director of the Epidaurus Festival in Cavtat, Croatia. In addition to her musical activities, Ms. Vidovic is a published poet with several collections to her credit.

Events are as follows:

Ivana Vidovic with the Dearborn Symphony Orchestra, Kypros Markou, conductor
Friday, November 12, 8:00 pm
Ford Community and Performing Arts Center, Dearborn, MI
Mozart's Rondo in A, K. 386 and Turina's Rapsodia Sinfonica

Ivana Vidovic with the Wayne State University Orchestra, Kypros Markou, conductor
Monday, November 15, 7:30 pm
Turina's Rapsodia Sinfonica and Piazzola's Three pieces for Piano and Strings
Tickets sold at the door: $8 general, $5 students/seniors

Ivana Vidovic Recital and Master Class
Tuesday, November 16, 3:00 pm
With Kypros Markou, violin, and Judith Vander Weg, cello
Piano Trio and Flower's Life by Dora Pejacevic
Schaver Music Recital Hall, Old Main (480 W. Hancock) Free and open to the public.

Founded in 1918, the Department of Music cultivates music as a contemporary and global art, grounded in a long historical tradition, by combining higher education with professional training and experience for its undergraduate and graduate/professional students. Building on the strengths of its geographic and cultural setting, the Department maintains public access to its performances and degree programs, offers high-level professional and academic standards and unique creative and scholarly opportunities appropriate to a large research university, and cultivates a deep aesthetic understanding of music in our students and the larger urban arts community.


Kristen Malecki
Phone: 586-489-8382

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