The 10-week Saturday program, hosted by Wayne State's College of Education, will launch Jan. 22, 2011, and culminate with graduation ceremonies in April. GO-GIRL, which is held on Wayne State's main campus, is free and open to a limited number of seventh-grade female students.
Parents and students interested in the program should visit and download the application forms. The application deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2010.
Since its inception in 2002, GO-GIRL has helped more than 500 middle school girls from public and private schools throughout metro Detroit develop mathematical confidence, skills and conceptual understanding. The program was collaboratively developed by faculty from the Wayne State University College of Education and the University of Michigan Institute for Research on Women and Gender in response to the decline in mathematics interest and achievement among girls and minority youth during middle school.
Sally K. Roberts, a WSU assistant professor of mathematics and faculty advisor for GO-GIRL, said seventh grade is a pivotal time for girls in their experiences with and perceptions of math and science. "Our goal is to eliminate the stereotypes that discourage girls and young women from pursuing STEM-related education and careers," she said.
"Research over the years has shown that the achievement gap between boys and girls in math and science has decreased significantly. However, the notion that girls aren't as good in those subjects has persisted. GO-GIRL aims to eliminate these stereotypes and encourage girls' aspirations in these fields."
Pre-post comparisons indicate that GO-GIRL positively impacts participants' confidence in their ability to do well in mathematics. Roberts believes that the structure of the GO-GIRL program is an empowering experience to the young girls.
For more information about the GO-GIRL program,e-mail Sally Roberts at
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