Wayne State University's Developmental Disabilities Institute (DDI) has been awarded a five-year, $1.25 million grant to assist Michigan families with children and adults who have disabilities. The Michigan Family Support Initiative grant is awarded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
Michigan is regarded as a leading provider of family support services that enhance a family's ability to care for and enable the growth and independence of family members with disabilities. However, a discrepancy remains between families in need of support and those who are accessing the programs, especially among our most vulnerable children and adults with developmental disabilities - those living in private institutions and large congregate settings statewide.
The goal of the Michigan Family Support Initiative is to reunite, preserve, strengthen, and maintain these family units, while making sure that the individuals with developmental disabilities receive ample opportunities to exercise true choice and self-determination in their home communities.
Thanks to the efforts from many individuals within the university community, organizations such as the DDI have thrived in the pursuit of championing disability issues. One of the passionate advocates for disabled rights is Wayne State University Board of Governors Chair Richard Bernstein, who was recently honored by the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame as the recipient of the Tony Filippis Courage Award.
The Developmental Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University is the University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities of Michigan. As a University Center for Excellence, DDI is associated and shares resources with more than 60 universities. The institute's mission is to contribute to the development of inclusive communities and quality of life for people with disabilities and their families. DDI has a Community Advisory Council which includes individuals with disabilities, family members, and representatives from government, advocacy and service organizations. The institute currently implements more than 20 grants and contracts in education, community support and program evaluation and research.
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Wayne State University is a premier urban research university offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 32,000 students.