July 21, 2008

Community advocate and educator Ivan L. Cotman joins Wayne State University\'s Planned Giving Committee

Ivan Louis Cotman, community advocate and longtime education administrator in Michigan, has joined Wayne State University's Planned Gifts Committee. Cotman brings to the committee his expertise as a lead consultant with Cotman and Associates, a philanthropic consulting firm for nonprofit organizations and individual and family counseling, and 38 years of experience in education administration.


Ivan Louis Cotman

His career in education administration included 21 years with the Michigan Department of Education, where his last position was Assistant Superintendent and Director of the Office of Enrichment and Community Services.

From 1973 to 1994 he held several positions with the Michigan Department of Education (MDOE) including Assistant Superintendent and Director of the Office of Enrichment and Community Services.

Prior to the MDOE positions he was Director for Employment for New Detroit, Agency Program Consultant/Assistant Budget Director with United Community Services of Metropolitan Detroit, and a School Social Worker for the Detroit Public Schools.
Cotman, a Detroit resident, has served on numerous local, regional and national boards including the Advisory Board for the Detroit College of Business. He is a published author and has received numerous awards for his leadership and community service.

He earned a bachelor's degree in English and Social Science from Kentucky State University, a master's of Social Work degree from Clark Atlanta University, and a doctoral degree from Wayne State University in Educational Leadership and Administration.

Wayne State's Planned Gifts Committee provides counsel to the university regarding strategies to financially support the university through charitable giving. Cotman will be lending special focus to WSU's School of Social Work efforts to increase partnerships with individuals and business organizations.

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 11 schools and colleges to nearly 33,000 students.


Tom Reynolds
Phone: (313) 577-8093
Email: treynolds@wayne.edu

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