April 1, 2008

Earth Week events at Wayne State University April 7-11, 2008 are free and open to the public

Get Green! EarthWeek Kick-Off


Wayne State University Earth Week events are free and open to the public starting at 4 p.m. Monday, April 7 and ending at 8 p.m. on Friday, April 11. The events are presented by Wayne State University's Student Environmental Action Leaders (SEAL).

April 7, Monday: Recycling 
Get Green! EarthWeek Kick-Off  Everything is free!  (4-6 p.m., Keast Commons-Towers Greenspace)
Get energized and pumped up for EarthWeek! Upbeat music, delicious cookies, fun games, a free tree, volleyball, Frisbee, Do-it-Yourself Silk Screening and more! Pledge your support and receive a free green ribbon to wear proudly throughout EarthWeek!

WSU Planetarium Show  (6-7 p.m., Old Main, Basement)
Did you know that Wayne State has its very own planetarium?  Come and get an enlightening new perspective on this little green planet we call home.  Limited seating is available, so come early!

Future of Recycling for WSU and Detroit  (7-9 p.m., Student Center, Room 289)
An introductory screening of the short film "The Story of Stuff" will get you thinking about all of the STUFF that passes through our lives. Next, Detroit's environmental superstar, Sarah Kubik, will present on the state of recycling and waste on campus and in the city of Detroit.  Join in on the discussion to help move Wayne State to a more sustainable future! Visit http://www.storyofstuff.com/ for more information on the film.

April 8, Tuesday: Transportation
Green Fair and Autoshow (11-2 p.m., Gullen Mall - Rain Location: Student Center, South Commons)
Come check out the latest hybrid technology and learn what various local and national environmental organizations and companies are doing to make Detroit cleaner and greener!

Film: The End of Suburbia (5:30-7:30 p.m., Welcome Center Auditorium)
The End of Suburbia explores the American Way of Life and its prospects as the planet approaches a critical era, as global demand for fossil fuels begins to outstrip supply. An enlightening and interactive discussion will follow. Visit http://www.endofsuburbia.com/ for more information.

April 9, Wednesday: Energy
Simply Switch: Compact Flourescent Lightbulb Giveaway! (1-3 p.m., Student Center, South Commons)
Trade in your old energy-sapping incandescent bulbs for some new highly efficient CFLs! Learn why we're doing this program and why you should switch all of the bulbs in your home and at work!

Film: Kilowatt Ours (5-6:30 p.m., Welcome Center Auditorium)
The film that takes viewers on a journey from the coal mines of West Virginia to the solar panel fields of Florida. Discover the consequences of our coal-powered economy and the solutions to America's energy crisis. Visit http://www.kilowattours.org/ for more information.

WSU Energy Conservation Solutions (6:30-8 p.m., Student Center, Hilberry A)
Interact and brainstorm with students from the College of Engineering. Discover their amazing survey findings and learn what you can do to reduce campus' carbon footprint.

April 10, Thursday: Climate Crisis
3rd Annual Campus Tree Planting  (1-5 p.m., Forest between Cass and Second) Celebrate Wayne State's commitment to the environment by getting your hands dirty. This year's tree planting will be the biggest yet as we plant over a dozen new trees! Let's work together with Greening of Detroit to make Wayne State a greener and livelier campus!  

Film: 11th Hour  (7-9 p.m., Student Center, Room 289)
Leonardo DeCaprio's popular new film, 11th Hour examines our relationship with earth from the earliest glimmers of innovation, to the challenges humanity faces in the present, to the possibilities of the future. Visit http://wip.warnerbros.com/11thhour/ for more information.

Green Open Mic Night with Live Bands (9 p.m. -12 am, Koinonia Cafe at Second and Hancock)
One of last years' most popular events, Green Open Mic is back!  Begin the night with conversation on sustainability in Detroit, then sit back and relax with a cup of delicious coffee as you enjoy live acts by local musicians, poets and artists.

April 11, Friday: Sustainability
Sustainability: Closing the Circle (6-8 p.m., Student Center, Hilberry C)
The exciting week comes to a close with this grand finale!  We're bringing together representatives from academia, industry, politics, and nonprofits to exchange their unique views and knowledge of sustainability issues in Detroit.

This energetic and enlightening dialogue will continue into the reception which follows at 8 p.m.

Editor's Note: Media is invited to cover all events/activities. Contact Laura Pechta at (313) 577-1010 or by e-mail at ao1681@wayne.edu for assistance.

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 11 schools and colleges to more than 33,000 students.



Laura Pechta
Phone: (313) 577-1010
Email: ao1681@wayne.edu

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