WHAT: Wayne State University School of Medicine and the Office of the President to host discussions about the uninsured.
DATE: Friday, Dec. 14, 2007
TIME: 9:15 a.m. Registration and continental breakfast
10 a.m. Panel presentations and discussion
WHERE: Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium
Wayne State University Law School
471 West Palmer Street
Detroit, Mi 48202
Complimentary parking is available in the WSU Law School Lot,
located at Cass and Palmer. Overflow parking is arranged in
Structure 1, along Palmer.
MORE INFORMATION: The event/discussion will focus on ways in which communities can help ensure cost-effective, high-quality health services for its most vulnerable citizens. Authors of the recently-published book " Taking Care of the Uninsured: A Path to Reform" will be on hand to discuss their findings, and share their views on this critical and timely topic.
The event is open to the public.
Speakers include: Robert M. Mentzer, Jr., MD, MPH, FACP, dean, Wayne State University School of Medicine; Herbert Smitherman Jr., MD, assistant dean, Community and Urban Health, Wayne State University School of Medicine; James Chesney, PhD, director, Office of Public Policy Initiatives, Henry Ford Health System; Cynthia Taueg, BSN, MPH, DHA, vice president, Community Health and Senior Services, St. John Health; Lucille Smith, M. Ed., executive director, Voices of Detroit Initiative; and Jennifer Mach, MD, MPH, epidemiologist, Voices of Detroit Initiative.
Contacts: Laura Rodwan, at (313) 477-2750 and Cara Belton at (313) 520-8454. Media opportunities are available.
Wayne State University is a world class institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 11 schools and colleges to more than 33,000 students.
Contact: Cara Belton
Voice: (313) 520-8454