WHAT: “Movin’ the D Forward” panelists will examine the controversial “No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act” of 2001 - a federal law requiring elementary and secondary education schools, at the district and school level, to comply with standards for progress. NCLB holds schools responsible for results and gives parents greater choices. NCLB’s goal is that by 2014, all children should be achieving at their state’s proficiency level in reading, language arts, math and science.
WHEN: Tuesday, Dec. 4, 9–11 a.m.
WHERE: Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium in Wayne State University’s Law School, 471 West Palmer, Detroit. http://www.campusmap.wayne.edu/location/LAW
MORE INFO: The event is free and open to the general public.
Register at: http://www.wwj.com/pages/1208405.php?
Opening speaker: Paula Wood, Dean, College of Education, Wayne State University
Panelists Include:
- Casandra Ulbrich, Member, Michigan State Board of Education
- Kristen McDonald, Senior Program Officer, Education, Skillman Foundation
- Carlos Lopez, Deputy Superintendent, Oak Park Schools
- Nathaniel Adams, II, Assistant Superintendent, Detroit Public Schools
- Shane Bernardo, Detroit Parent Network.
Sponsors: Wayne State University, WWJ AM 950, WDET FM 101.9, The Detroit News, Fox 2
The event will be streamed live on Fox 2, The Detroit News and WWJ.
CONTACT: Tom Reynolds, 313-577-2150