Wayne State University hosts “The Coming Pandemic: A Conference for Business and Health Professionals”
National and local experts explore ramifications of a possible bird flu outbreak and identify steps for managing all hazard situations
WHAT: A comprehensive review of the most recent research on pandemic influenza and the implications of a pandemic for America’s health system, businesses, public institutions and everyday life.
WHEN: Friday, Oct. 5, 2007, 8:00 a.m. – noon. Full agenda below.
A Box Lunch Q&A for news media on local pandemic concerns will immediately follow the formal presentation at 12:15.
WHERE: Gordon H. Scott Hall of Basic Medical Sciences located at 540 E. Canfield Avenue, on Wayne State University’s Medical Campus.
MORE INFO: More and more companies are realizing the need for strategic emergency preparedness as health experts warn that a global influenza pandemic may not only be likely, but inevitable. This conference will examine the latest planning and guidance for dealing with a flu epidemic as well as explore emergency techniques applicable to all hazard situations.
WHO TO CALL: Online registration is available at:
- 7:30 a.m.–8 a.m. - Registration and Check-in
- 8 a.m.–8:05 a.m. – Welcome - President Irvin D. Reid, Wayne State University
- 8:05 a.m.–9:00 a.m. “Pandemic and Avian Influenza: What’s All the Flap?” Gregory A. Poland, MD Director, Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Group and Program in Translational Immunovirology and Biodefense
- 9:00 a.m.–9:45 a.m.
“Taking the Lead: What the Federal Government is Doing to Prepare” - Lorine M. Spencer, RN, MBA, U.S. CDC
- 9:45 a.m.–10:00 a.m. - Break
- 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. - “From Crisis to Recovery: Staying Open for Business while Protecting the Workforce,” Lauren Barton, MD, MPH Chief Medical Officer, Chrysler L.L.C.; David Siegel, MD, MPH, Senior Medical Director, General Motors Corporation
- 11:00 a.m.–noon - Medical Containment and Effective Communication in the Heat of Crisis: Panel Discussion facilitated by Wayne State University Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff Andrea Roumell Dickson
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