July 23, 2007

Wayne State University experts available to discuss Detroit's 1967 civil unrest, and its legacy on the city

Forty years ago today, July 23, 1967, Detroit was marked by civil unrest in which 43 people died, nearly 1,200 were injured and more than 7,200 arrests were made. The confrontation between Detroit police, city residents, federal troops and National Guardsmen lasted five days.

The 1967 rebellion has been called the turning point in Detroit\'s history. Many of the problems the city is facing today are blamed on that five-day period 40 years ago.

Wayne State University experts are prepared to offer various perspectives on this historical period, and address questions about the past, present and future surrounding this era.

Robin Boyle, (313) 577-8711 office, aa2815@wayne.edu
Professor of Geography and Urban Planning; an expert on urban planning and economic development, comparative urban policy, community renewal, new town planning, urban crime, Detroit economic development, economic and land issues of Detroit casinos.

Ron Brown, (313) 577-9761 office, aa4723@wayne.edu
Professor of Political Science; an expert on American politics, African-American politics and history, race relations, African-American church, religion and politics.

George Galster, (313) 577-9084 office, aa3571@wayne.edu
Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, an expert on Race relations, discrimination, segregation, economic development, housing policy, neighborhood decline and revitalization.

Gary Sands, (734) 578-3092 cell, ac9623@wayne.edu
Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, an expert on community planning, housing development, federal/state housing policy, Detroit planning and neighborhood change.

Robert A. Sedler, (313) 577- 3968 office, aa2396@wayne.edu
Professor of Law, an expert on American political system, affirmative action, constitutional Law, Ethiopia, Africa, discrimination, desegregation, affirmative action, Minority Census Undercount, abortion, sexual harassment, the First Amendment, free speech and same-sex marriage.

Melvin Small, (313) 577-6138 office, m.small@wayne.edu
Professor of History, an expert on international war, civil war, American foreign relations, American presidents, prisoners of war, historian of the Vietnam War.

Brad Smith, ag3416@wayne.edu
Professor of Criminal Justice, an expert in police brutality.

Michael Smith, (313) 577-0415 office, (248) 442-0065 home, m.o.smith@wayne.edu
Director of the Walter P. Reuther Library, an expert on historical information about American labor unions, the automobile industry and the UAW. Also, urban history; in particular, the history of Detroit, Michigan and Wayne State.

Avis Vidal, (313) 577-4459 office, a.vidal@wayne.edu
Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, an expert on Community development, empowerment zones, urban planning and urban policy, development and evaluation of planning issues, federal housing and community development programs, community/university partnerships.

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 11 schools and colleges to nearly 33,000 students.


Tom Reynolds
Phone: (313) 577-8093
Email: treynolds@wayne.edu

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