April 11, 2007

Letters: Freedom, Tolerance, Respect

Wayne State University President Irvin D. Reid wrote a letter that was originally published in the April 5 edition of the South End. It followed a week of meetings between Jewish students and several top WSU administrators to discuss student concerns about anti-Semitism and security. Wayne State spokeswoman Francine Wunder said that WSU is developing a campus program to promote tolerance and civility under the leadership of David Strauss, dean of students. "At (WSU), we regard diversity among students and faculty as one of our primary strengths," Reid wrote. "Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. But we do not condone those who advocate harm to another race, nationality or ethnic or religious group, nor can we allow the distortion of history to serve a political agenda. We always have room for free speech, but we have no room for the rhetoric of hatred." The article includes a photo of Reid.

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