The Bonstelle Theatre opens its 2006-2007 season with the popular classic Inherit the Wind, written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. Performances begin on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 8 p.m. and run through Sunday, November 5 at 2 p.m. Based on the Scopes “Monkey Trial” of 1925, the play tells the story of two great lawyers as they debate the place of Evolution and Creationism in the classroom – a debate that continues in today’s society.
As the play begins, we learn that Bertram Cates, a local high school science teacher, is set to stand trial for teaching the theory of evolution to his students. Matthew Harrison Brady, a charismatic man with political aspirations and a self-proclaimed authority on the Holy Bible, represents the prosecution. Cates is represented by Henry Drummond, a skilled attorney who valiantly defends free thought in a town ruled by traditional values.
While Inherit the Wind was written in the 1950s and based upon events from the 1920s, the central argument of the play is very much alive today. Across the nation, proponents of Intelligent Design are seeking to have its concepts presented alongside Evolution. States Dr. Blair Anderson, chair of the Department of Theatre and director of Inherit the Wind, “The concept of Intelligent Design being taught in schools as an alternative theory and the continuous social debate make this play very topical and timely.”
Inherit the Wind is stage managed by Adam Kurtz (Detroit, MI) and includes the following cast: A. Mikel Allan (Phil Cooper/Dearborn, MI), E.J. Assi (Photographer/Port Huron, MI), William E. Bryson (Rev. Jeremiah Brown/Highland Park, MI), Jessica Cermak (Mrs. Brady/Shelby Twp., MI), Józefa Chmielewski (Melinda/Harper Woods, MI), Branden Chowen (Henry Drummond/Rochester Hills, MI), Justin Dejuan Crutchfield (Bollinger/Detroit, MI), Jonathan Davidson (Mayor/Dearborn, MI), Ian Pikula Gallagher (Doc Kimble/Canton, MI), Nicole Michelle Haskins (Mrs. McLain/Detroit, MI), Murphy M.M. Hendy (Meeker/Grand Ledge, MI), Alex D. Hill (Tom Davenport/Royal Oak, MI), Kenny Konaszewski (Elijah/Hamtramck, MI), Frank Leone (Mr. Goodfellow/St. Clair Shores, MI), Jasmine S. McCord (Rachel Brown/Detroit, MI), Ryan J. McGillen (Dunlap/Eastpointe, MI), Brishen Miller (Judge/Kalamazoo, MI), Damon Moore (Mr. Bannister/Wales, MI), Pete Podolski (Reuter’s Man/Riverview, MI), John Nicholas Rattray (Sillers/Melvindale, MI), Shane Reinhard (Mr. Loomis, Page/Port Huron, MI), Adam Schrader (Hot Dog Man/Rochester Hills, MI), Cal Schwartz (Matthew Harrison Brady/Dearborn, MI), Lauren Mae Shafer (Mrs. Blair/Farmington Hills, MI), Jaclyn Strez (Mrs. Krebs/Dearborn, MI), George Thorvald Wagner (Bertram Cates/Houghton, MI), Steven West (E. K. Hornbeck/Plymouth, MI), Alex Wisz (Hurdy Gurdy Man, Keller/Lathrup Village, MI), Dave Woitulewicz (Krebs/Harper Woods, MI), Brian Yacoo (Aaronson/Oak Park, MI), and Bill Zimmerman (Harry Y. Esterbrook/Livonia, MI). Designers for the production include members of WSU’s Hilberry graduate theatre Sarah N. Tanner (Scenic Designer/Franklin, MI) and Christina Tomlinson (Costume Designer/Flint, MI) and members of WSU’s Bonstelle undergraduate company Cory Johnson (Properties Artist/Grosse Pointe Park), Neil E. Koivu Jr. (Lighting Designer/Ferndale, MI), and Rahme Rayes (Sound Designer/Livonia, MI).
Inherit the Wind plays at the Bonstelle Theatre on October 27 and 28 and November 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. and October 29 and November 5 at 2 p.m. The opening night performance will feature a complimentary afterglow in honor of Bonstelle Parents’ Night. Advance tickets are available in person through the Wayne State Theatre Box Office, located at 4743 Cass Ave. on the corner of Cass and Hancock, or by phone at (313) 577-2960. The box office is open Tuesday – Saturday from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the door at the Bonstelle Theatre (3424 Woodward Ave.) beginning one hour prior to each performance. Tickets are available for $14, with $11 discount tickets available for students with ID, seniors 62+, and Wayne State University faculty, staff and Alumni Association Members. Group discounts are also available. For more information, please visit the theatre’s website at
Inherit the Wind
Friday, October 27 at 8 p.m.
Saturday, October 28 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, October 29 at 2 p.m.
Friday, November 3 at 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 4 at 8 p.m.
Sunday, November 5 at 2 p.m.
Season sponsored by Between the Lines, Dearborn Times Herald and Great Stuff.