June 14, 2006

Education schools to be graded

The Michigan Board of Education unanimously approved a measure Tuesday that will grade the state\'s college and university schools of education by issuing annual report cards. The report cards will grade schools on programs; the number of graduates passing the teacher certification test; the number of students graduating in six years; surveys of school districts hiring teachers, and how well the college or university recruits minority students and math, science and special education teachers. As the program is phased in over the next three years, schools that get failing grades on the new report cards could receive help from the Department of Education. It\'s also possible that federal funding or even the schools\' certification as teacher training institutions could be affected. But college officials, who agree they should be held accountable for high-quality programs, said that educating future teachers is too complicated to be rated by a single grade. Wayne State University is included in a sidebar listing showing the percentage of students who graduate from Michigan's public and private education schools and pass the teacher certification test on the first try.

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