June 2, 2006

WSU test pays heroin addicts

Under research sponsored by a pharmaceutical company, Wayne State University will pay some heroin users to take the painkiller fentanyl, according to this article. The study will be conducted at WSU's Jefferson Avenue Research Clinic. While drugs laced with fentanyl are suspected in over 50 Wayne County deaths in recent weeks, the study itself has been planned for months. The version of the drug that will be tested is aimed at easing pain but has been modified to produce uncomfortable side effects if used illicitly. Dr. Mark K. Greenwald, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences, will lead the project. "I feel very confident," he said, "that this study will be conducted safely and volunteers will receive the highest possible standard of care." In a pull-quote accompanying the story, Greenwald says, "This is the kind of (test) that is needed so the lawful use of medicine is honored."

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