January 20, 2006

Wayne State University Terrorism Experts

These Wayne State experts on various aspects of terrorism are available to help you with your assignments.

Haluk M. Aktan, professor of civil and environmental engineering, College of Engineering -- expertise and active interest in infrastructure vulnerability as related to homeland security, (313) 577-3825, ac5047@wayne.edu.

David Barondess, professor of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences -- forensic anthropology, (313) 577-2552, aa2104@wayne.edu.

Alan Batteau, associate professor of Anthropology, director of the Institute for Information Technology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – aviation safety, the Major Project (a study that analyse disaster response and develops optimal strategies for organizational cooperation and coordination), disaster training and drills, (313) 874-7010, ad4408@wayne.edu.

David Bonior, (former Congressman (D, MI), professor of Labor Studies -- U.S. policy regarding Iraq and the Middle East, (313) 577-4024, ap5596@wayne.edu.

Richard Chasdi, adjunct professor of Political Science, Center for Peace and Conflict author of two books on terrorism -- Serenade of Suffering, A Portrait of Middle East Terrorism, (1968--1993) and Tapestry of Terror, A portrait of Middle East Terrorism (1994-1999) -- 248-473-7017, (313) 577-4717, Rchasdi@aol.com.

Rita Casey, associate professor of psychology, Merrill Palmer Institute -- specializes in child development can speak on how to explain terrorism and related issues to children, (313) 577-2856, ad4458@wayne.edu.

James Dorsett, director, international student and scholars office, international student affairs issues, (313) 577-8308.

Ahmad Ezzeddine, associate director of professional development, School of Business Administration -- economic impact, trade related issues, historical perspective and geography/demographics of the Middle East, (313) 577-4450, ad5730@wayne.edu.

Muneer Fareed, associate professor of Near East Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences -- Islam, Islamic law, Islam in America, and the Middle East, (313) 577- (313) 577-4450, ad9387@wayne.edu.

Greg Fox, associate professor, Law School -- international law, United Nations and human rights, (313) 577-2150, an8360@wayne.edu.

Craig Giroux, associate professor, Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Medicine -- biological weapons, including anthrax, smallpox, ricin, botulism, etc., and their effects on the body, symptoms and treatments, also chemical weapons, including sarin gas, nerve gas, etc. His work is funded in part by the Department of Defense, (313) 964-1976, ad1720@wayne.edu.

Frederick Pearson, director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies -- international relations, Iraq, Middle East peace negotiations, (313) 577-3453, ab3440@wayne.edu.

Brad Roth, associate professor of Political Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and also serves with the Center for Legal Studies -- international law, human rights, the rule of law and over-reaction in a crisis, (313) 577-6335, aa2216@wayne.edu.

Alvin M. Saperstein, professor of Physics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences -- expert on bombs, mathematical models of defense and arms race, Office: 313-577-2733; Messages:577-2721; Fax: 577-3932, ams@physics.wayne.edu.

Matthew W. Seeger, professor and chair, department of Communications, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts -- crisis and emergency risk communication, media and crises, organizational responses to crisis and disaster, interagency coordination, consultant to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the State of Michigan on crisis communication and the public health, cross-border coordination, participated in the CDC\'s debriefing on its response to the anthrax episode, affiliate of the National Center for Food Safety and Defense, and work with the USDA on issues of risk communication, (313) 577-2959, aa4331@wayne.edu.

May Seikaly, professor in Near Eastern and Asian Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences -- modern Middle East and Middle East history U.S. relations with Arab countries, (313) 577-6266, ad6006@wayne.edu.

Kathryn Tucker, assistant professor of psychiatry, School of Medicine -- post traumatic stress disorder, (313) 745-4929, ah2631@wayne.edu.
Attila Yaprak, professor of marketing and business administration, School of Business Administration, international business, issues related to Europe and the European Union, Iraq and NATO, (313) 577-4842, aa4506@wayne.edu.


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