September 14, 2005

Wayne State University's School of Business Administration Offers Opportunities to Both Faculty and Students Displaced by Hurricane Katrina

The School of Business Administration at Wayne State University has opened its doors to Gulf Coast faculty and students from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama universities adversely impacted by Hurricane Katrina.

The school is concerned about business faculty colleagues who may be financially impacted by the devastation and possible loss of income. WSU’s School of Business Administration will be able to accept a limited number of colleagues from impacted universities as visiting faculty for one or two semesters.

Such visiting faculty will be expected to guest lecture and make research presentations during the Fall 2005 semester. If an appointment continues into the Winter 2006 term, visiting faculty would be expected to teach regular courses.

A stipend will be paid to each visiting faculty member; benefits will be included, and housing arrangements will be offered at a discounted rate for faculty and their families.

Interested faculty should contact: Professor Harish Verma, Chair, Department of Business (313-577-6664; or Professor Randolph Paschke, Chair, Department of Accounting (313-577-6032;

The school’s faculty will accept in their courses all undergraduate and graduate business students from hurricane-devasted areas who have been admitted to Wayne State and will further assist these students by providing requisite documentation to transfer credit back to their home institutions upon completion of their coursework.

The School of Business Administration’s online MBA program may be particularly attractive to graduate students who are unable to move to the Detroit area for continuation of their studies. Online education provides academic continuity in time of crisis.

Students who may wish to attend Wayne State for Fall 2005 can find information on the following website:

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 11 schools and colleges to more than 33,000 students.


Lynne M.
Phone: 313-577-0202

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