August 29, 2005

Arming the heavens: A space weapons debate

The Detroit Council of World Affairs (DCWA) will host a debate regarding space weapons on Thursday, Sept. 8, at the Wayne State University Law School Spencer M. Partrich Auditorium, located at 471 W. Palmer. The event is free and open to the public.

Maj. Gen. William Shelton, Commander, 14th Air Force, at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.; and Alvin Saperstein, physics and astronomy professor at Wayne State University, will be squaring off at 4:30 p.m.

Shelton is Commander of the 14th Air Force, Air Force Space Command, and the Commander of Joint Space Operations, Joint Functional Component Command for Space and Global Strike, U.S. Strategic Command, at Vandenberg Air Force Base. The 14th Air Force, known as the historic "Flying Tigers," is responsible for all U.S. Air Force space forces, including missile warning, space control, space-based surveillance, navigation and communications, satellite control, space launch and assigned and attached USSTRATCOM space forces.
Saperstein, professor of physics and astronomy, is the author of “Dynamical Modeling of the Onset of War” and editor-in-chief of “Physics & Society.” He often lectures and teaches courses on science, technology and war.

Parking is available in structure one on Palmer, and is $3.50. Please RSVP to Kris Yurgin Cummings by Sept. 5, at (313) 577-8270 or e-mail, For more information, contact the Center for Peace & Conflict Studies at (313) 577-3453, or visit

The Detroit Council for World Affairs, sponsor of the debate, is a program within the Center for Peace & Conflict Studies at Wayne State University. The purpose of DCWA is to promote a deeper understanding of international issues as well as Detroit\'s role in a changing world by providing members with a non-partisan, nation-wide forum for informed discussion, analysis and debate.

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 11 schools and colleges to more than 33,000 students in metropolitan Detroit. 



Tom Reynolds
Phone: (313) 577-8093

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