The Wayne State University Library System has signed an agreement to become a mirror site for Annenberg/CPB ( Annenberg uses media and telecommunications to advance teaching in American schools by providing high quality multimedia resources and videos that help instructors enhance their research and improve their teaching. It is part of the Annenberg Foundation and advances the Foundation’s goals of encouraging the development of more effective ways to share ideas and knowledge. The Wayne State University Library System consists of the universities\' five libraries: The David Adamany Undergraduate Library, the Purdy/Kresge Library, the Shiffman Medical Library, the Arthur Neef Law Library and the Science and Engineering Library, the Library and Information Science Program and the Office for Teaching and Learning.
As a mirror site, the Library System will house the digital video/audio on a server on campus, allowing the Library System access to more than 1,500 videos. The same videos will be provided at no cost to other institutions throughout
The server that will host the site is expected to be operating next January.
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