April 25, 2005

WSU Theatre Weekly Calendar


Week of April 25 - May 1

The Hilberry Theatre

MISALLIANCE by George Bernard Shaw

Thurs. Apr. 28 at 8 PM

HENRY IV by William Shakespeare

Sat. Apr. 30 at 8 PM

The Bonstelle Theatre

EVITA by Andrew Lloyd Webber (music) and Tim Rice (lyrics)

Fri. Apr. 29 at 8 PM

Sat. Apr. 30 at 8 PM

Sun. May 1 at 2 PM

Week of May 2 - 8

The Hilberry Theatre

HENRY IV by William Shakespeare

Thurs. May 5 at 8 PM

MISALLIANCE by George Bernard Shaw

Fri. May 6 at 8 PM

Sat. May 7 at 2 PM and 8 PM

Week of May 9 - 15

The Hilberry Theatre

MISALLIANCE by George Bernard Shaw

Thurs. May 12 at 8 PM

Fri. May 13 at 8 PM

Sat. May 14 at 2 PM and 8 PM

Contact Information:

To reserve tickets for the Hilberry or Studio Theatres call: (313) 577-2972.

To reserve tickets for the Bonstelle Theatre call: (313) 577-2960.

Tickets for the Hilberry Theatre range from $12-$40.

Tickets for the Bonstelle Theatre range from $8-$14.

Tickets for the Studio Theatre range from $6-$8.

For more information, please visit our web site at www.theatre.wayne.edu


WSU Theatre
Email: theatrepr@wayne.edu

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