April 8, 2005

Ten Wayne State University students to receive MCC Outstanding Student Service awards on April 16

Ten exemplary Wayne State University students will receive Outstanding Student Service awards at the Michigan Collegiate Compact (MCC) Awards ceremony. These students were nominated and selected from a pool of candidates across the state of Michigan. All have demonstrated outstanding dedication to service throughout their educational career.

Three graduate and five undergraduate students will be presented with the Heart and Soul award which recognizes nominees for their time, effort and personal commitment to their communities through service. Award winners are: Chaunte Chambers, Tamer Girgis, Kristale Ivezaj, Courtney Moore, Melanie Pezeshki, Joshua Smith, Mitchell Walker, and Feng Wu.

Sharon Bobryk, an undergraduate student, will receive the Commitment to Service award which is granted to only one student per MCC member campus for both the breadth and the depth of her/his community involvement.

Meredith Greene, a graduate student, will receive the Outstanding Community Impact award. This award is presented to only seven students in Michigan who have made service an integral part of their college experience by their significant contribution to community resources. Recipient's efforts build partnerships between their campuses and communities to initiate long-term social change. Recipients show both breadth and depth of commitment to a community organization or issue.

This is the first time in the past five years that a Wayne State student has won an MCC award. The ceremony will be held on Saturday, April 16 at the Kellogg Center in East Lansing. All students are encouraged to attend. For more information, please visit: http://www.micampuscompact.org.


Jennifer Kunkel
Phone: (313) 577-1010
Email: Jennifer.kunkel@wayne.edu

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