March 21, 2005

March 30 conference on \'Art of Aging Successfully\' focuses on helping older adults to live happy, healthy lives

What do art and baseball have in common? They are just two of the ways in which creative seniors can stretch their minds and connect with the community. To learn more, seniors from throughout the state are invited to a Wednesday, March 30, conference devoted to happy, healthy, and successful aging. The 9:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. event will be held at the Greater Grace Temple, 23500 West Seven Mile, in Detroit.

Presented by the Institute of Gerontology at Wayne State University and the Elder Advisors to Research, a volunteer group at the institute, the "Art of Aging Successfully" conference pays tribute to the power of creativity. Participants can choose from such informational sessions as . . .

  • Discover the artist in yourself;
  • Explore the galaxy of volunteer opportunities;
  • Walk baseball\'s "field of dreams";
  • Learn to dance the hustle!

The theme for this year\'s sixth annual conference is "Discovering the Gold in Aging Successfully," and the creative work of non-professional artists who are 55 and older will be on display.

"For many older adults, art is an excellent way to express themselves," explains Jennifer Mendez, director for education at the institute. "For example, we see hundreds of older people coming together to form writing groups, to share painting and photography skills, and to play music."

She points out that creative expression captures individual uniqueness, and promotes an active, productive approach to life. "Making art is important at so many levels," Mendez explains. "It is active. It is invigorating. It is unpredictable. Every year, this conference shows us the great extent to which creative expression can contribute to quality of life - for the seniors among us as well as for the entire community."

Admission to the conference is $15, which includes lunch. Advance registration is required. For more information and a registration form, call Jennifer Mendez at the WSU Institute of Gerontology, 313-577-2297.

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