March 1, 2005

Vocal Arts Competition for Emerging Artists on Wayne State\'s Campus for Second Year

DETROIT, MI (March 2, 2005) - For the second year, the annual Vocal Arts Competition for Emerging Artists will take place on the campus of Wayne State University. Hosted by the WSU Department of Music, the competition will be held in the Schaver Music Recital Hall at 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 12, 2005. The recital hall is located at 480 W. Hancock in Detroit. Performances by the contestants are open to the public and free of charge. For additional information call (313) 538-2575. The competition provides a forum of local support to young classical singers of African American descent between the ages of 18 and 25. Each contestant will perform an Aria, Oratorio Cantata, French Melody, German Lied, and a Negro Spiritual or work by an African American composer. The winner of the March 12 competition at Wayne State will qualify for the District Competition to be held May 20, 2005 in Detroit. The winner of the District Competition will have an opportunity to compete for a monetary prize at the July 2005 National Competition in Atlanta, Georgia. The Vocal Arts Competition is sponsored by several local clubs of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women\'s Clubs, Inc. Contact: Ruby Washington Phone:(313) 866-0844


Andrea Lafferty
Phone: (313) 577-1783

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