February 18, 2005

Nationally recognized alcohol awareness speaker, Jim Matthews, to present at Wayne State University on February 23

 NCAA sanctioned speaker, Jim Matthews, will present his popular Beer, Booze, Books: a Sober Look at Higher Education in Wayne State's Bernath Auditorium in the Undergraduate Library at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 23.

Matthews has delivered this presentation about social responsibility to over 190,000 students at 190 college campuses nationwide. He has appeared on ABC-TV, WOR-TV, CNN, NBC Radio and New Hampshire Public Radio and has been featured in numerous magazine and newspaper articles. "This dynamic non-judgmental approach to confronting high risk alcohol consumption on the college campus encourages students to critically examine the role alcohol is playing in their lives. This presentation - a campus favorite - provides clear, accurate and applicable information and is effectively enhanced by computer generated, multi-media graphics and video. Beer, Booze & Books also supports campus social norms programs by reducing the misperception of student drinking patterns." (www.beerboozebooks.com)

This event is free to all Wayne State students. Free copies of Matthews' book, Beer, Booze and Books...a sober look at higher education, will be presented to the first 25 program attendees. Books will be distributed at the end of the event. Breathalyzer key chains will also be available.

For additional information, contact Ty Stevenson at (313) 577-9872 or ag7935@wayne.edu.


Jennifer Kunkel
Phone: (313) 577-1010
Email: Jennifer.kunkel@wayne.edu

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